Professional Boxing License Criteria & Regulations
Professional Boxer Licensing Criteria
• Age: Minimum of 18 years old. Applicants above the age of 40 must undergo additional medical scrutiny.
• Citizenship: Must be a Bangladeshi citizen or legal resident.
• Medical Clearance:
• Full medical check-up, including an MRI, blood tests, eye exams, and cardiovascular assessment.
• Negative results for HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and other blood-borne diseases.
• A comprehensive neurological exam and brain scan.
• Physical fitness clearance issued by a licensed sports physician.
• Experience:
•Must have participated in at least 10 amateur boxing matches or possess equivalent boxing experience recognized by BPBA.
• Character Clearance: No criminal record and a clean disciplinary history in sports.
• Application Fee: BDT 10,000
• License Validity: 1 years
Renewal Criteria:
• Renewal Fee: BDT 500 every 1 year.
• Updated Medical Reports: Must submit updated medical reports and pass a physical fitness test.
• Activity: Boxers must have fought in at least 2 professional bouts within the licensing period to maintain active status.
Suspension & Revocation:
• License can be revoked for failure to maintain medical fitness, violation of BPBA rules, or involvement in misconduct
(e.g., match-fixing, doping, or criminal activity).